Minisodes Archives - Thu, 16 Apr 2020 17:36:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Minisodes Archives - 32 32 TWIST: Learning a Stock’s Personality — April 16, 2020 Thu, 16 Apr 2020 17:36:21 +0000 In today’s episode of TWIST (This Week In SteadyTrade), Matthew Monaco sits down with up-and-coming traders Jack Kellogg and Kyle Williams. The trio analyze their trades, take a wide look at market conditions, and discuss the wild coronavirus sector.  Matt, Jack, and Kyle also talk about understanding a stock’s personality. Tune in to learn what […]

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In today’s episode of TWIST (This Week In SteadyTrade), Matthew Monaco sits down with up-and-coming traders Jack Kellogg and Kyle Williams.

The trio analyze their trades, take a wide look at market conditions, and discuss the wild coronavirus sector. 

Matt, Jack, and Kyle also talk about understanding a stock’s personality. Tune in to learn what that means and why it matters in your trading. 

The episode was recorded on April 15, 2020, and features the following stocks: 

  • Independence Contract Drilling Inc. (ICD)
  • Scworx Corp. (WORX)
  • CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY)
  • Biocept Inc. (BIOC)


Follow these traders’ journies on Twitter:  

Jack Kellogg:

Kyle Williams:

Matthew Monaco:

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Meet the SteadyTrade Podcast Season One Contest Winners, Isaac Fri, 03 Nov 2017 13:00:30 +0000 The Steady Trade Podcast is designed to help guide new traders succeed. With a “dropout” rate of about 90 percent, day trading is not for the feint of heart. However, if you’re willing to put in the work and learn how the market works, it’s extremely possible to make good money as a trader. The […]

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The Steady Trade Podcast is designed to help guide new traders succeed. With a “dropout” rate of about 90 percent, day trading is not for the feint of heart. However, if you’re willing to put in the work and learn how the market works, it’s extremely possible to make good money as a trader. The Steady Trade Podcast wants to take you to that place.

In the podcast, hosts Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson help traders build the vital base knowledge that is so necessary for success. They come from different points of view and experience: Tim is an established trader with many years of experience under his belt, whereas Stephen is a new trader who is still learning the ropes. Together, they are able to present lessons and information which are accessible to traders of all levels.  

But Tim and Stephen have more than just knowledge to offer. As the first season came to a close, a select few listeners won in an even bigger way: by winning the prizes from the Steady Trade Mega-Giveaway! Out of over 3,000 entries, a few lucky winners were chosen at random to win 11 different prize packages. The prizes ranged from the biggest box of Tic-Tacs you’ve ever seen to what we lovingly called the  “Greedy Little Bastard” Package, an incredible prize featuring a 55-inch Samsung 4k Ultra HD TV, the Dell Inspiron Laptop, an Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Gaming Bundle, Apple watch Series 2, Bose SoundSport wireless headphones, and yes, a big box of Tic Tacs too, plus a 12-month subscription to Stocks to Trade Pro and a 12-month admission to Timothy Sykes’ Millionaire Challenge.

Steady Trade Podcast Prize Winner Profile: Isaac

Isaac is a relatively new trader. In the beginning of August, he discovered Timothy Sykes, which led him to Stocks to Trade and Stocks to Trade Pro, which is how he discovered the podcast. He’s enjoyed all of the resources available through both Tims and Stephen.

Until recently, Isaac was really just trying to work with a few IRA accounts. Through his recent day trading research, it was a revelation to him to learn that you don’t necessarily have to have a position and follow a “buy and hope” approach to make money as a trader. However, having observed market crashes from the sidelines in the past, he’s understandably nervous about the bull market and feels he’s not educated enough yet. As such, he is very aware that it’s important to have a well rounded education on all sorts of investing.

Isaac’s next steps

Isaac wants to trade full time. The flexibility and freedom as a career and the ability to travel very much appeals to him. He wants to downsize in some ways but upgrade in terms of his lifestyle. Tim and Stephen applaud this goal and tout the flexibility as one of the great benefits of trading: after all, with a laptop, Stocks to Trade, and an internet connection, you can make it happen!

Isaac was particularly intrigued with Episode 5 of the first season, which focused on how to make a trading plan and why it’s so important. For him, the next focus is going to be continuing his education and refining his planning. After all, knowing when to get in and out of trades is a vital part of the process, and he understands that this is the type of thing that transcends the market’s current conditions. While the market will go up and down, understanding market mechanics will serve you no matter what.

He’s in the green today after a great trade, so he’s riding high. But he’s about to be riding even higher once his big prize is announced!

Isaac wins big!

No joke: this prize unveiling rivals It’s a Wonderful Life in terms of its pure heartwarming level. First, Stephen asks how Isaac would feel about winning some Tic-Tacs. After a decidedly long pause, he offers a winning response: “What flavor?”. Then Stephen begins asking how he might feel about winning some headphones. He and Tim begin piling prize after prize onto the bundle until it’s clear that Isaac has won the big daddy prize: the Greedy Little Bastard package! Yes indeed, Isaac has won it all: a 55-inch Samsung 4k Ultra HD TV, the Dell Inspiron Laptop, an Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Gaming Bundle, Apple watch Series 2, Bose SoundSport wireless headphones, and yes, a big box of Tic Tacs too, plus a 12-month subscription to Stocks to Trade Pro and a 12-month admission to Timothy Sykes’ Millionaire Challenge. His reaction simply can’t be missed!

Coming soon: Season Two!

Are you grieving the fact that you didn’t win the Greedy Little Bastard package? Quit it, because there are more chances to win coming soon. The Steady Trade Podcast will return for Season Two starting on November 6th, 2017. Not only will there be plenty of great new episodes, but there will be an all-new giveaway to enter!

Tune in for Season Two of the Steady Trade Podcast, starting November 6th!

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Meet the SteadyTrade Podcast Season One Contest Winner, Tim Thu, 02 Nov 2017 13:00:10 +0000 The Steady Trade Podcast started with a simple yet important goal: to help guide new traders to succeed. As many as 90 percent of day traders fail, but this isn’t because it’s too hard. It’s often because the traders in question simply haven’t received proper training and guidance. This causes them to go too far […]

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The Steady Trade Podcast started with a simple yet important goal: to help guide new traders to succeed. As many as 90 percent of day traders fail, but this isn’t because it’s too hard. It’s often because the traders in question simply haven’t received proper training and guidance. This causes them to go too far too fast, often resulting in lost money and a trading career that is over before it even begins.

In the Steady Trade Podcast, hosts Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson want to help traders build the ultra-important foundation of base knowledge that is so necessary for success. Tim is an established trader with many years of experience under his belt; Stephen is a new trader who still has a lot to learn. Together, they are able to present lessons and information that speak to traders of all levels.

Everyone wins simply by listening to the podcast. However, the first season came to a close, a select few listeners won in an even bigger way: by winning the prizes from the Steady Trade Mega-Giveaway! Out of over 3,000 entries, a few lucky winners were chosen at random to win 11 different prize packages. The prizes ranged from the biggest box of Tic-Tacs you’ve ever seen to what we lovingly called the  “Greedy Little Bastard” Package, an incredible prize featuring a 55-inch Samsung 4k Ultra HD TV, the Dell Inspiron Laptop, an Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Gaming Bundle, Apple watch Series 2, Bose SoundSport wireless headphones, and yes, a big box of Tic Tacs too, plus a 12-month subscription to Stocks to Trade Pro and a 12-month admission to Timothy Sykes’ Millionaire Challenge.

Steady Trade Podcast Prize Winner Profile: Tim

Apparently Tim is a lucky name to have as a trader! After all, prominent traders on the scene include Tim Sykes, Tim Bohen, and now Tim, new trader and Steady Trade Podcast winner!

Day trading has been on Tim’s radar since 2013 or so, but at the time he had to focus on paying off some debt, so investing went on the back burner. But when the Tim Sykes Millionaire Challenge came about, it sparked his interest anew. In a better place financially, winner Tim decided it was time to circle back around to trading.

Still identifying very much as a new trader, Tim has yet to go live with his trading. He’s currently in the “watchful waiting” phase of his career, trying to sort out how the market works and how to make wise and calculated risks with potential investments.

As for the podcast? His review is glowing: “I love it. It’s one of those things that I look forward to every week.” Episode 5, which focused on the importance of making a trading plan, was his favorite from Season One, because this is something that he has struggled with and it was very helpful to hear the other Tim and Stephen’s words of advice.

Tim’s next steps

Tim is continuing to survey the lay of the land in the world of trading, and is hoping to go live or begin paper trading in January.  

Tim B. and Stephen congratulate winner Tim on taking this long view on his career rather than falling prey to the all too common “this must happen today” mentality that ultimately makes so many traders flame out. Really, why must there be a big rush?

Like anything, it takes time to learn how to trade. Tim has a great view on his progression, figuring that once you begin to practice and it becomes normal, that’s when you can really begin to focus on making some money. But for now, he’s happy to just continue learning and figuring out what makes stocks move.

Tim wins big!

Stephen says that he wants winner Tim to watch trading content til his eyes bleed. The only problem? Tim doesn’t own a TV. Well, he didn’t own a TV until now! As Tim B. and Stephen are happy to reveal, he’s now got the perfect viewing vessel for his continued education: he’s won the 55-inch Samsung 4k Ultra HD TV! Undoubtedly, Tim’s going to feel like a king when watching his DVDs and trading lessons on this big screen.

Coming soon: Season Two!

Sad that you didn’t score big in the giveaway? Don’t worry, because the opportunities aren’t over. The Steady Trade Podcast will return for Season Two starting on November 6th, 2017. Not only will there be plenty of great new episodes, but there will be an all-new giveaway to enter!

Tune in for Season Two of the Steady Trade Podcast, starting November 6th!

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The SteadyTrade Podcast Season One Prize Winners: Marissa and Nick Wed, 01 Nov 2017 13:00:07 +0000 The Steady Trade Podcast was created as a resource for traders, with the aim of helping them learn how to become successful day traders. The podcast, which is hosted by traders Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson, features an extremely user-friendly format. The two traders, who are at different points in their careers, come together to […]

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The Steady Trade Podcast was created as a resource for traders, with the aim of helping them learn how to become successful day traders. The podcast, which is hosted by traders Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson, features an extremely user-friendly format. The two traders, who are at different points in their careers, come together to offer lessons and impart information that can help new traders set up a strong foundation of knowledge. While all traders will win at life simply by listening to the podcast, as the first season of the Steady Trade Podcast same to a close, a few lucky winners won some real, live, hold-em-in-your-arms prizes as well.

With over 3,000 entries, there were a lot of traders who wanted to win big! The 11 different potential prize packages included items ranging from gag-like (the biggest box of Tic-Tacs you’ve ever seen) to what we lovingly called the  “Greedy Little Bastard” Package, an incredible prize featuring a 55-inch Samsung 4k Ultra HD TV, the Dell Inspiron Laptop, an Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Gaming Bundle, Apple watch Series 2, Bose SoundSport wireless headphones, and yes, a big box of Tic Tacs too, plus a 12-month subscription to Stocks to Trade Pro and a 12-month admission to Timothy Sykes’ Millionaire Challenge.

Steady Trade Podcast Prize Winner Profiles: Marissa and Nick

The couple that trades together, stays together–isn’t that what the parable says? Tim and Stephen are delighted to have their first phone call with a married couple who is trading as a team. As it turns out, they had no problem finding the Steady Trade Podcast right after it was released. After all, they are both part of the Millionaire Challenge and are both members of Stocks to Trade Pro, so the podcast was on their radar fairly quickly after it came out, and they wasted no time before they listened!

Both Marissa and Nick love how the podcast presents information a little differently; both consider it a great way to augment and inform their advancing trading journey. They love listening to the podcast at the gym while doing cardio, but have admittedly gotten some strange looks when they start laughing at Tim and Stephen’s banter while listening to their headphones on gym equipment!

Marissa and Nick’s next steps

Tim and Stephen are sick of each other, so they’d much rather hear about what’s going on with Marissa and Nick’s trading career. This is the third week of the married couple’s trading. While they have had ups and downs, they have so far been able to cut their losses quickly, so they are already learning a lot. They’re both excited to share that this week they have found themselves in the green!

Tim is amazed by this revelation, and congratulates them–after all, if you can consider yourself in the green at any point in your first three weeks of trading, you’ve got to be doing something right. This is absolutely something to be proud of, but he cautions that they shouldn’t become cocky: it is still early, and they don’t want to become complacent (a surefire road to ruin for traders).

Happily, Marissa and Nick are on the same page, and are focusing on refining their trading. They’ve been experimenting in holding back, because they see this as something for the long haul versus getting caught up in the heat of trading and making their investments too risky. They’ve also been reading The Psychology of Trading, which has proven an invaluable book to them.

Marissa and Nick win big!

Marissa and Nick just bought a new laptop, because their old one was running slowly and holding back their trading. However, two traders working from one laptop can be challenging at times. Tim and Stephen are happy to reveal that they have a solution to offer, because Marissa and Nick have won the Dell Inspiron Laptop from the giveaway! Now, one can trade while the other does research on their laptop(s). Their trading is about to go high tech!

Coming soon: Season Two!

Didn’t win the prize you were hoping for? Don’t worry, because there will be plenty more chances to win big, and soon. The Steady Trade Podcast will return for Season Two starting on November 6th, 2017. Not only will we release a new suite of episodes, but there will be an all-new giveaway to enter!

Tune in for Season Two of the Steady Trade Podcast, starting November 6th!

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The SteadyTrade Podcast Season One Prize Winners: Craig Mon, 30 Oct 2017 13:00:52 +0000 The Steady Trade Podcast: Craig started with a simple goal: to help our listeners progress from curiosity about day trading to making it an actual, and profitable reality. We strive to attain this goal by offering easy to follow lessons and straightforward information designed to help listeners cultivate the skills and knowledge base that is […]

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The Steady Trade Podcast: Craig started with a simple goal: to help our listeners progress from curiosity about day trading to making it an actual, and profitable reality. We strive to attain this goal by offering easy to follow lessons and straightforward information designed to help listeners cultivate the skills and knowledge base that is necessary to succeed in a day trading career. Everyone wins by gaining knowledge from the podcast. But as the first season of the Steady Trade Podcast came to a close, a few lucky winners won in a much more tangible way as we chose the winners of our Season One Mega-Giveaway Contest!

This incredible giveaway included 11 different prize packages, ranging from the biggest box of Tic-Tacs you’ve ever seen to what we lovingly called the  “Greedy Little Bastard” Package, an incredible prize featuring a 55-inch Samsung 4k Ultra HD TV, the Dell Inspiron Laptop, an Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Gaming Bundle, Apple watch Series 2, Bose SoundSport wireless headphones, and yes, a big box of Tic Tacs too, plus a 12-month subscription to Stocks to Trade Pro and a 12-month admission to Timothy Sykes’ Millionaire Challenge.

Steady Trade Podcast Prize Winner Profile: Craig

When Tim and Stephen call Craig, he identifies that he’s speaking to them from the South Pacific, making it one of the most geographically cosmopolitan party lines the podcast has enjoyed to date (Tim is in the USA; Stephen is in Dubai).

From his coconut phone on his private tropical island (fine, not really), Craig reveals that his interest in trading began several months ago. He first discovered Tim Sykes, which led him to Tim Bohen and Stocks to Trade. He immediately loved the site, and appreciated the fact that it was built by traders for traders. For the past four months he’s pored over the Stocks to Trade YouTube channel, learning all that he can. So when the Steady Trade Podcast began, his reaction was “aw, sweet!”. He’s listened to all of the episodes, some of them multiple times.

Craig also enjoyed discovering Stephen’s YouTube channel too, and has been following the young trader’s journey toward success.

While Craig is a fan of both Tim and Stephen’s work respectively, for him the true magic happens when the Steady Trade Podcast hosts come together. Not only are Tim and Stephen hilarious, but they have a great knack for imparting valuable trading information as a team.

Watching the videos in addition to listening to the podcast has truly made Craig feel like he has gotten to know Tim and Stephen, and he feels that this has helped him learn in a more connected way.  

Craig’s next steps

As a new trader, a lot of the information shared on the podcast was new to Craig. He is currently most intrigued by the idea of short selling and the profits to be made using this trading method, but still feels somewhat intimidated by it.

Tim and Stephen talk briefly about short selling, offering some quick tips and their thoughts on why it’s great to learn more about it. However, they also caution that a trader should never put all of his or her eggs in one basket, so to speak. As Tim puts it, trading has trends just like the fashion industry: while short selling is really a hot method of trading right now, this can change. However, having the knowledge base is valuable because undoubtedly it will come back in fashion even if it fades. As for Stephen? His mind is blown by the fact that that Tim knows anything about fashion.

Craig wins big!

Drumroll! Tim and Stephen reluctantly hand over a prize they both wanted to try themselves: the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Gaming Bundle! Craig is stoked, although as he reveals, he would have been delighted even if he had won the Tic-Tacs!

Coming soon: Season Two!

Didn’t win big this time? Don’t despair, because there will be plenty more chances to win big, and soon. The Steady Trade Podcast will return for Season Two starting on November 6th, 2017. Not only will we release a new suite of episodes, but there will be an all-new giveaway to enter!

Tune in for Season Two of the Steady Trade Podcast, starting November 6th!

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Meet the SteadyTrade Podcast Season One Contest Winners – Keith Fri, 27 Oct 2017 13:00:21 +0000 Over 3,000 people entered the Season One give-a-way contest.  Today’s guest, Keith, was the lucky winner of one of our gag gifts — a massive box of Tic Tacs (seriously, that sucker is HUGE!)  Listen in as Tim and Stephen break the news. The Steady Trade Podcast Season One Prize Winners: Keith The Steady Trade […]

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Over 3,000 people entered the Season One give-a-way contest.  Today’s guest, Keith, was the lucky winner of one of our gag gifts — a massive box of Tic Tacs (seriously, that sucker is HUGE!)  Listen in as Tim and Stephen break the news.

The Steady Trade Podcast Season One Prize Winners: Keith

The Steady Trade Podcast began with a desire to help our listeners turn their dream of trading into a reality. We do this by offering easy-to-understand lessons and sharing resources designed to listeners develop the skills and knowledge base necessary to succeed as day traders. However, as the first season of the Steady Trade Podcast came to a close, certain listeners benefited from some more tangible rewards: by winning the incredible prizes offered in our Season One Mega-Giveaway Contest!

All in all, the giveaway included 11 different prize packages, starting with the biggest box of Tic-Tacs you’ve ever seen to what we lovingly called the  “Greedy Little Bastard” Package, an incredible prize featuring a 55-inch Samsung 4k Ultra HD TV, the Dell Inspiron Laptop, an Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Gaming Bundle, Apple watch Series 2, Bose SoundSport wireless headphones, and yes, a big box of Tic Tacs too, plus a 12-month subscription to Stocks to Trade Pro and a 12-month admission to Timothy Sykes’ Millionaire Challenge.

Steady Trade Podcast Prize Winner Profile: Keith

Keith is a brand new trader, with only a little over a month of experience at this point. After losing his job of 10 years in May, it seemed like the right time to try something new, and he became interested in trying his hand at trading. Keith decided to give it a go with some of his saved money.

After receiving an email recommending the Steady Trade Podcast, he checked it out and got hooked. Clearly, the show has resonated with him; as Tim and Stephen ask what he’s enjoyed about the show, he responds “Right now, everything”. As a brand new trader finding his way, in many ways he is the ideal listener for this podcast, as he is learning from the ground up!

Moreover, Keith really appreciated how the show takes a very realistic approach toward trading. There are no promises that you’re going to get rich overnight, and the show doesn’t paint trading in a “too good to be true” sort of light. The Steady Trade Podcast offers a realistic look at trading that is inclusive and optimistic but not pie in the sky. Keith really enjoyed the “steady” aspect of the Steady Trade Podcast, because ultimately, he’s not looking to get rich quick, but to create a sustainable source of income for years to come.

Keith’s next steps

Tim and Stephen were happy to learn that Keith really gets the idea of trading and is happy to build slowly. They are able to offer some helpful advice to keep him on track, as Keith is in the “trial and error” phase of trading and has already experienced a few setbacks. Offering personal advice and anecdotes, they offer Keith some specific pointers on proceeding and furthering his understanding of understanding stock charts.

Stephen urges Keith to stick with his commitment and to trade small as he learns (see how that young “green” trader host has become so much wiser after just one season of hosting the podcast?), and Tim offers specific advice on favored methods for monitoring charts and letting the trading journey unfold.

Keith wins big!

Keith receives a lot of winning advice in this episode, but he doesn’t just walk away with words. As Tim and Stephen are delighted to reveal, Keith has been selected as the winner of one of the most coveted giveaway items: the giant box of Tic-Tacs!

Not only will the Steady Trade Podcast help him become a great trader by helping him develop skills and techniques for trading, but it’s also giving him the great gift of fresh breath for…well, if not for life, then definitely the foreseeable future!

Coming soon: Season Two!

Sad that you didn’t win big this time? Don’t worry, there will be more chances. The Steady Trade Podcast will return for Season Two starting on November 6th, 2017. Not only will we release a new suite of episodes, but there will be an all-new giveaway to enter!

Tune in for Season Two of the Steady Trade Podcast, starting November 6th!

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Meet the SteadyTrade Podcast Season One Contest Winners – Kristen Wed, 25 Oct 2017 13:00:44 +0000 Over 3,000 people entered the Season One give-a-way contest.  Today’s guest, Kristen, was the lucky winner of Bose SoundSport wireless headphones.  Listen in as Tim and Stephen break the news. The Steady Trade Podcast was borne out of a desire to help our listeners win at life by developing the skills and knowledge base necessary […]

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Over 3,000 people entered the Season One give-a-way contest.  Today’s guest, Kristen, was the lucky winner of Bose SoundSport wireless headphones.  Listen in as Tim and Stephen break the news.

The Steady Trade Podcast was borne out of a desire to help our listeners win at life by developing the skills and knowledge base necessary to succeed as day traders. But as the first season of the Steady Trade Podcast came to a close, certain listeners won big in a different way: by scoring some of the incredible prizes offered in our Season One Mega-Giveaway Contest!

In total, the giveaway included 11 different prize packages, ranging from the biggest box of Tic-Tacs you’ve ever seen to what we lovingly called the  “Greedy Little Bastard” Package, a staggeringly awesome prize including a 55-inch Samsung 4k Ultra HD TV, the Dell Inspiron Laptop, an Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Gaming Bundle, Apple watch Series 2, Bose SoundSport wireless headphones, and yes, a big box of Tic Tacs too, plus a 12-month subscription to Stocks to Trade Pro and a 12-month admission to Timothy Sykes’ Millionaire Challenge.

Steady Trade Podcast Prize Winner Profile: Kristen

Out of over 3,000 entries to the Season One Mega-Giveaway Contest, listener Kristen was chosen as one of the winners! But before they tell her what she’s won, Tim and Stephen want to know about her trading story and how she ended up listening to the podcast.

Kristen is a brand new trader, still very much in the important research phase of her journey. Naturally, in her online research she’d come across the work of Tim Sykes, and it was via his mention that she discovered Stocks to Trade and subsequently, the Steady Trade Podcast.

Upon discovering the Steady Trade Podcast, Kristen listened to all of the episodes. As an aspiring trader, she has found the information incredibly helpful and enabling.

One of the things she found most intriguing about the podcast was Tim and Stephen’s very different backgrounds. She loved learning from Tim’s vast base of knowledge, but she also appreciated learning from Stephen’s point of view as a new trader, which felt highly relatable to her and took some of the fear out of being a beginner. It made her feel like she could do it, too!

Another big takeaway for Kristen from Season One of the Steady Trade Podcast? Ultimately, that trading doesn’t have to be as risky as its reputation leads many to believe. While yes, she realizes that with trading comes risk, she also feels as though the more you begin to understand stocks, the more you can mitigate risk and make a steady income.

Kristen’s next steps

In her discussion with Tim and Stephen, Kristen discusses potential actionable steps to further her career in trading. First, they discuss the benefits of programs like the Timothy Sykes Millionaire Challenge. Stephen offers his thoughts on the program, having been part of it for the past 11 months, which is documented on his YouTube channel. Tim also shares his thoughts, having been exposed to Timothy Sykes’ work since even before the Millionaire Challenge was established.

Stephen also suggests joining the Stocks to Trade Pro team, another incredible resource to help nurture new traders.

Moreover, Tim and Stephen give Kristen several ideas for developing a style as a trader and potential next steps. They all decide to get back in touch next season to see how she’s doing!

Kristen wins big!

Sure, information and guidance are invaluable resources to have on hand, but what about the big giveaway? What did she win?

Tim and Stephen reveal that Kristen has won the Bose SoundSport wireless headphones. Whether she feels like winding down and listening to music, watching The Wolf of Wall Street on her laptop, re-listening to Season One of the Steady Trade Podcast on endless loop until Season Two makes its debut, she’s got an incredible pair of headphones to hear everything in crystal clear detail.

Coming soon: Season Two!

Didn’t win this time? Don’t sweat it! The Steady Trade Podcast will return for Season Two starting on November 6th, 2017. Not only will we release a new suite of episodes, but there will be an all-new giveaway to enter!

Tune in for Season Two of the Steady Trade Podcast, starting November 6th!

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Meet the Season One SteadyTrade Contest Winners – Ryan Mon, 23 Oct 2017 13:00:28 +0000 Over 3,000 people entered the Season One give-a-way contest.  Today’s guest, Ryan, was the lucky winner of an Apple Watch.  Listen in as Tim and Stephen break the news. The Steady Trade Podcast began with a simple goal: to help the aspiring trader progress from initial curiosity to an actual, successful, and sustainable trading career. […]

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Over 3,000 people entered the Season One give-a-way contest.  Today’s guest, Ryan, was the lucky winner of an Apple Watch.  Listen in as Tim and Stephen break the news.

The Steady Trade Podcast began with a simple goal: to help the aspiring trader progress from initial curiosity to an actual, successful, and sustainable trading career. Hosts Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson attain this goal by offering user-friendly lessons, anecdotal stories, and sharing resources which are meant to help listeners develop the skills and knowledge base which is so vital to success as a day trader. Every aspiring trader can benefit from the wisdom of each episode; however, as the first season of the Steady Trade Podcast closed, a few lucky listeners received some far more tactile rewards by winning the incredible prizes offered in our Season One Mega-Giveaway Contest!

The Season One Mega-Giveaway Contest was composed of 11 different prize packages in total, ranging from the biggest box of Tic-Tacs you’ve ever seen to what we lovingly called the  “Greedy Little Bastard” Package, an incredible assemblage of prizes featuring a 55-inch Samsung 4k Ultra HD TV, the Dell Inspiron Laptop, an Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Gaming Bundle, Apple watch Series 2, Bose SoundSport wireless headphones, and yes, a big box of Tic Tacs too, plus a 12-month subscription to Stocks to Trade Pro and a 12-month admission to Timothy Sykes’ Millionaire Challenge.

Steady Trade Podcast Prize Winner Profile: Ryan

In this mini-sode, Tim and Stephen talk with Ryan, who is ramping up his trading along with the Steady Trade Podcast. Ryan was chosen at random from over 3,000 entries to the contest as a winner! But before they reveal to Ryan what he has won, Tim and Stephen want to pick his brain a little bit.

Ryan found out about the Steady Trade Podcast via the StocksToTrade email list, and has been enjoying the episode by episode progression of the show. While Ryan has learned a lot from each episode, one of his favorite things about the show is actually the delivery. He loves the juxtaposition of humor and comedy along with the serious information offered in each episode. Turns out, a spoonful of sugar (and by that we mean Tim and Stephen’s impossibly witty banter) does help the medicine go down!

Ryan’s next steps

In discussing how Ryan can progress as a trader, he brings up the subject of a trading plan with Tim and Stephen. The mini-sode offers an unexpected reveal as Glen, who has been behind the scenes all along, jumps in to read aloud a question that Ryan posted on the Steady Trade Podcast website. As Glen disappears again behind his Wizard of Oz-like curtain, the conversation turns to the importance of making a trading plan, and some ways to streamline the process.

In following the teachings of the Steady Trade Podcast , Ryan has determined that a trading plan really boils down to taking calculated risks. In essence, to make a risk calculated, one must enter the trade with a thesis, the ability to evaluate risk prior to making the trade, and having a target goal so that you can know when to pull out and take profits if things aren’t working out as planned.

Impressed with Ryan’s prowess, Tim and Stephen discuss further refinements to trading plans, including being intuitive within your plan, but then using a chart to back it up with some scientific research. They offer advice on how to balance your gut instinct with hard facts to make the best trades possible. Ultimately, a combination of intuition and facts can help you evaluate if the risk is worth it, how to adjust your position size, and how to make a plan that seems realistic.

Ryan wins big!

Ryan undoubtedly leaves the episodes with plenty of informational gems and guidance. However, he also wins something far more tangible! As Tim and Stephen finally reveal, Ryan has been selected as the winner of the Apple watch series 2. Ryan is pretty pumped for this prize, which will certainly round out his veritable Apple grove of technology, which already includes a Mac desktop, laptop, and iPhone.

Coming soon: Season Two!

Feeling woeful that you didn’t win one of the fantastic prizes? Don’t worry: there are going to be many more chances to win. We’ll Have many more  steady trade contest winners the Steady Trade Podcast will return for Season Two starting on November 6th, 2017. Not only will we release a new suite of episodes, but there will be an all-new giveaway to enter!

Tune in for Season Two of the Steady Trade Podcast, starting November 6th!

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