Season 1 Archives - Fri, 05 Apr 2019 21:04:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Season 1 Archives - 32 32 The Truth Behind the Wolf of Wall Street Mon, 09 Oct 2017 13:00:11 +0000 Ways to listen to the new Steady Trade podcast. iTunes (preferred). Click Here *make sure to subscribe! Youtube.  Click here Steady Trade Podcast Episode 6: Season Review, How to Execute a Trade & The Truth Behind the Wolf of Wall Street Once upon a time, there were two guys. One was Tim Bohen, a skilled, experienced […]

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Ways to listen to the new Steady Trade podcast.

Steady Trade Podcast Episode 6: Season Review, How to Execute a Trade & The Truth Behind the Wolf of Wall Street

Once upon a time, there were two guys. One was Tim Bohen, a skilled, experienced trader from; the other was Stephen Johnson, an enthusiastic student but less experienced trader who wanted to learn the way to success. One day, these two guys started a podcast for people who wanted to learn how to day trade penny stocks, bringing their two unique points of view together to offer an approachable introduction to day trading for all levels of experience.

Episode 6 marks the Season One Finale of the Steady Trade Podcast. Here’s where Tim and Stephen bring it all together in an action-packed episode. First, they weave together the lessons learned in the previous five episodes, culminating in the ultimate lesson: how to execute a trade. But wait, there’s more! In the episode, they also offer a trader’s perspective on the movie The Wolf of Wall Street, and announce the winners of the incredible Steady Trade Podcast giveaway!

Steady Trade’s Mega-Giveaway Contest: the Winners!

The moment of truth has arrived! Tim and Stephen announce the winners of the Steady Trade Mega-Giveaway Contest, which includes a 55-inch Samsung 4k Ultra HD TV, the Dell Inspiron Laptop, an Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Gaming Bundle, Apple watch Series 2, Bose SoundSport wireless headphones, a BIG box of Tic-Tacs, and more.

What have we learned?

In the previous episodes of the Steady Trade Podcast’s first season, Tim and Stephen have offered an incredible introduction to trading, from explaining what day trading is to an overview of how penny stocks work, how to choose the best stocks to trade, a discussion of how and why stocks move, and how to create a trading plan.

By creating a strong foundation with these lessons, you’ll set yourself apart from the many traders who fail due to lack of proper training. You’ll also be preparing yourself for the culmination of these important lessons: how to execute a trade.

How to execute a trade.

As Tim puts it, “technically, all you need is a 500 dollar laptop and a 500 dollar brokerage account to make a trade. But that does not mean that you’re ready.” Obviously you do need those things, but there’s more to it. Ultimately, the lessons you’ve learned in the previous episodes have been building you up to this point. So how do you actually get to work?

In the episode, Tim and Stephen discuss the resources necessary to actually begin trading, from figuring out the best brokerage account to finding a charting platform and more. They also discuss specific things that new traders need to look at before making that first trade, such as monitoring long term charts and tips for how to know when to buy (and when to hold off).

They also discuss an important topic: how to determine your readiness to trade. Many traders rush in, but this eagerness without a knowledge base can be their undoing. In the show, Tim and Stephen discuss key tips to now when you’re really ready. Not all of the tips are sexy, but they do deliver sexy results.

Steady Trade Movie Review: The Truth Behind the Wolf of Wall Street

The movie The Wolf of Wall Street acts as the sum of all knowledge that many people have of penny stock trading. So how true to life is it?

The bad news is that the movie made many people associate penny stock trading with dishonest, coked-up traders with shady ethics who are being cavalier with OPM (Other People’s Money).

This couldn’t be further from the truth: day traders are actually working for themselves, and are responsible for their own gains and losses.

However, the movie does accurately show many aspects of trading penny stocks. In the episode, Tim and Stephen discuss how accurate certain aspects of the movie are, and how accurate the portrayed lifestyle is (and isn’t).

Stay Tuned!

Feeling bereft that Season One and the giveaway have come to a close? Don’t be sad! We’ll be back for Season Two in November of 2017 with an all-new giveaway and continued wisdom, anecdotal stories, and plenty of humor to make trading more accessible. See you in November!

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Building a Trade Plan Mon, 02 Oct 2017 13:00:16 +0000 Ways to listen to the new Steady Trade podcast. iTunes (preferred). Click Here *make sure to subscribe! Youtube.  Click here Steady Trade Podcast Episode 5: Building a Trade Plan (And Sticking To It) Trading can feel like a jungle sometimes. As a trader, it can frequently feel as if you’re fending for yourself alone in […]

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Steady Trade Podcast Episode 5: Building a Trade Plan (And Sticking To It)

Trading can feel like a jungle sometimes. As a trader, it can frequently feel as if you’re fending for yourself alone in the wilderness, without guidance, training, or a proper map. There are all sorts of pitfalls, dangers, and even lions (OK, maybe not actual lions) that you might encounter, and so part of your job as a trader becomes navigating the uncharted territory, remaining vigilant and above all, remaining safe. But simply surviving isn’t going to make you a millionaire. So the question becomes this: how do you not only survive, but thrive as a day trader?

As Episode 5 reveals, what you really need to take your trading to the next level is a trading plan. In the episode, your co-hosts Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson will talk about the importance of having a trading plan, starting with what a trading plan actually is and then expanding on how to create an effective plan and (this part’s important) how to actually stick with it for long-term success.

Do you need a plan?

There’s no spoiler here: yes, you need a plan if you want to begin to find reliable success as a trader. Trouble is, few day traders find planning sexy.

In Episode 4, Tim and Stephen discussed plenty of sexy stuff: hot stocks, news, and catalysts. This is the type of stuff that can get traders all hot and bothered. While these factors can certainly help in choosing the best stocks to trade, this type of analysis must be combined with a clear-cut plan to deliver the most reliable results over time.

Planning: the key to long term trading success

As Stephen says, “if you believe it, it’s going to come true”. He trusts his gut and believes you’ll come out with the winning trade. Unfortunately, Stephen isn’t a profitable trader yet.

Tim, the man with the plan (and years of successful trading under his belt), disagrees. As he argues, trading isn’t the book The Secret. Hoping and wishing and faith are not bad things, but he prefers a slightly more analytical approach to deliver results.

In essence, establishing a trading plan is the way in which to harness the sexy parts of trading and create a roadmap for yourself so that you can have a clear cut plan of attack and an exit strategy for your trade. It helps you go from “hold and hope” to reliable action.

If you don’t have a plan, you’re basically gambling. This can help you win here and there, but over time, your losses will exceed your gains, you’ll become frustrated, and move on. Planning is the way that you can create a career as a trader that will span years, not just weeks or months.

How to make a plan.

As the episode progresses, Tim and Stephen get down to brass tacks and talk specifically about the process of making a trading plan.

As Tim reveals, while it may sound like a downer, it’s important to focus on risk first. Trading isn’t a lottery, and you don’t want to gamble, and therefore it’s important to control your risk.  

Tim goes on to guide you through the process of taking your scanning of the stock charts (discussed in Episode 3) to the next level by hatching a plan based on your findings that can help you make educated decisions and controlled risks. You need to ask yourself questions like these: where is my stop loss? When will I exit this trade if this stock doesn’t begin to perform how I want?

By taking this more approach, you can begin to find ways to be reliably and consistently profitable. The fact is, there are many factors that you cannot control in trading, but you can control when to pull out and how to control your losses. Therefore, this should be at the center of your planning process.

From here, Tim and Stephen discuss the best way to build your plan around your risk so that you can proactively go after stocks.

The long term benefits of planning

Throughout the show, you’ll see that an incredible change comes over the newbie trader, Stephen. As resistant as he is to planning from the get go, he realizes as the show goes on that basically, he’s been “running”–trying to catch up to the stocks. Tim offers a way to change your relationship with trading, making yourself a calculated hunter rather than just chasing the most shiny and sexy stocks. Once you’ve finished listening to this episode, you’ll have a much greater understanding of the benefits of planning and have plenty of ideas for how to create your own trading plan.

Win big!

To celebrate the first season of the Steady Trade Podcast, we’re offering some incredible giveaways. Check out the giveaway page here, and stay tuned for future episodes for more information on how to specifically look at, understand, and monitor stock charts.

Please fill out our survey and win prizes!

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What Makes Stocks Move? Mon, 25 Sep 2017 14:33:20 +0000 Ways to listen to the new Steady Trade podcast. iTunes (preferred). Click Here *make sure to subscribe! Youtube.  Click here Steady Trade Podcast Episode 4: How and Why Stocks Move Stock prices change. That’s easy enough to understand, right? But what’s not quite as easy to understand is how and why they move. What factors […]

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Steady Trade Podcast Episode 4: How and Why Stocks Move

Stock prices change. That’s easy enough to understand, right? But what’s not quite as easy to understand is how and why they move. What factors determine which stocks will move and which will not, and how rapidly? Furthermore, what are the catalysts that trigger movement?

In Episode 3, hosts Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson discussed choosing the best stocks to trade. In Episode 4, they build upon the subject by exploring the phenomenon of stock movement. What does it mean for a stock to “move”? And further, what factors cause a stock to go up or down in value? As it turns out, it’s not as unpredictable as you might think. By the time you finish listening to this episode, you’ll have a much firmer grasp on how to reliably monitor stock movement.

Stock movement 101: looking for spikes

As Tim shares in the episode, particularly for new traders, it’s important to focus on stocks that are “up”. There’s no point in trading slow moving stocks if you are just starting or have a small account; it simply won’t deliver the results you want.

Therefore, a stock spike is what you’re looking for. If a stock is spiking, there are multiple opportunities to make money on both the up and the downside, both as a buyer and by short selling. But how can you tell if a stock is in the perfect Goldilocks zone where it is spiking, but not too far or too fast? In the episode, Tim and Stephen share their own experiences with approaching a stock spike and offer specific percentages to look for.

Catalysts: the key to stock movement

A catalyst is the thing that can cause a stock to spike (or to fall rapidly). Basically, a catalyst is any happening or event that can affect the company’s value or offerings. To determine potential catalysts, you might follow the news, earnings, announcements, contracts, and fundamental opportunities related to the company in question. However, as you’ll learn, it’s not quite as easy as just seeking any old catalyst.

The trouble with monitoring catalysts and stock movement

Unfortunately, monitoring catalysts to track movement is an imperfect system. In part, that’s because a lot of news which is publicly released is biased or self-serving. For instance, a company may issue press releases, but they can be spun in a favorable way that might not be completely accurate.

As Tim and Stephen discuss, a far more accurate picture can be gained through reviewing a company’s quarterly earnings reports, which are mandated by various regulatory agencies. These reports offer a much more realistic look at the health of the company and can help traders determine the worthiness of buying. Trouble is, these reports are only issued a few times a year. So where’s the middle ground between sifting between what’s real and not having to wait for the facts?

Keeping track of catalysts requires effort and dedication, that’s for sure. However, there are some tricks that can help you intelligently discern when a catalyst is going to positively affect a stock.

Monitoring stock movement intelligently

As you learned in the last episode, there are certain tried and true methods for determining what stocks are in play. In Episode 4, Tim explores what catalysts to look for specifically, when in the so-called “earnings season” (the period one or two weeks after the last month of each quarter) to look for them, and how to cross-reference catalysts with earning reports to make more educated decisions on investment opportunities.

Tim and Stephen review various catalysts such as press releases, contract wins, new deal announcements, sympathy plays, earning winners, and others that can have an effect on the value of a stock. Tim offers helpful tips on how to look at a company’s history and what positive markers might indicate that it’s a good idea to buy; alternately, he advises on some red flags to look for that might make you want to avoid investing.

Ultimately, the decision is yours, but learning about how stocks move can help you improve your trading and make more educated investments.

Bonus: catchphrase faceoff!

While Tim and Stephen agree on a lot of subjects during this show, they can’t come to an agreement on whose stock movement catchphrase is superior. Leave a comment in the show notes and let us know which you prefer!

Win big!

To celebrate the first season of the Steady Trade Podcast, we’re offering some incredible giveaways. Check out the giveaway page here, and stay tuned for future episodes for more information on how to specifically look at, understand, and monitor stock charts.

Please fill out our survey and win prizes!

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How to Find the Right Stocks Mon, 18 Sep 2017 13:00:35 +0000 There are over 16,000 stocks available to trade.  Wondering how to find the right stocks?  What criteria should you use?  What technology can make this easier for you?  Listen in as Tim and Stephen discuss how to find the right stocks to trade. Ways to listen to the new Steady Trade podcast. iTunes (preferred). Click […]

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There are over 16,000 stocks available to trade.  Wondering how to find the right stocks?  What criteria should you use?  What technology can make this easier for you?  Listen in as Tim and Stephen discuss how to find the right stocks to trade.

Ways to listen to the new Steady Trade podcast.

Traders today don’t even realize how lucky they are. As your salty veteran trader co-host Tim Bohen shares at the beginning of the episode, once upon a time, before smart phones and internet connections in just about every household, buying stocks was quite different. You had to determine which stocks to buy by reviewing the financial pages in the newspaper, scouring teeny-tiny type detailing day-old information to determine the biggest gainers and losers. To say that it was an imperfect system would be an understatement.

Today, for new traders like Stephen Johnson (who remains absolutely appalled by Tim’s story about day-old stock info from newspapers) things are far different. With the technology at your fingers and with resources like, the world has become your oyster as a trader.

However, technology is a tool, not a get rich quick shortcut. The fact is, you still need to know how to utilize these resources for the best results. In this episode, co-hosts Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson discuss an important subject: how to utilize the resources at hand to choose the best stocks to trade.

Choosing a stock: where to start?

There are thousands of stocks to choose from, and new ones being listed every day. This is overwhelming, to say the very least. So where do you even start when it comes to choosing which stocks to trade?

The internet has really revolutionized the way that traders can sift through stocks and determine what will make the best buys. However, even with these resources, it’s important to learn how the system works and to figure out a methodology that works for you. That having been said, there are certain things that traders unanimously agree work.

Scanning: your not-so-secret weapon for choosing stocks

Scanning is a vital step toward choosing the best stocks to trade. Scanning is a method of searching for particular criteria within the stock market. You can think of it like filtering a search on a retail site, where you can customize your search by color, size, price, or any number of different options.

In the episode, Tim and Stephen explain various methods of scanning, and give specific tips for what to look for while scanning stocks that might be a good indication that they are a good choice.

For instance, while everyone’s on the lookout for big gainers, many overlook the volume of a stock, which can have a big effect on your play. Without the proper combination of attributes, you might end up trapped with a time sponge of a stock. In explaining these basics, they also give anecdotal tips for things that can be potential warning signs to steer clear of a stock.

This knowledge can be customized to your own personal trading style and will help you scan the markets in the best and most effective way.

Taking your knowledge to work

As the episode progresses, Tim and Stephen get down to brass tacks and explain how to take your scanning and research to work as a day trader in an easy-to-understand way.

They break down how looking for gainers, volume, and a catalyst is the magic combination for choosing stocks, and how to determine the worth of each of these attributes in a stock.

Additionally, as you’ll learn, how to find right stocks to choose will vary depending on the time of day. The same stocks that make for a great play in the morning might not be the same as mid-day or afternoon; you’ll learn how to tell the difference and what to look for at various times of day and why.

Interwoven with Tim and Stephen’s personal experience, preferences, and tales of success and lessons learned from a failure or two, this episode offers a deeply informative look at choosing stocks, and breaks down what initially seems daunting into an extremely manageable process.

Ultimately, this episode will leave you with plenty of ideas for proceeding on your own stock scanning and what to look for in potential trades. You don’t have to spread yourself too thin to have success while searching for stocks; armed with the knowledge learned from this episode, you can confidently move forward and learn how to find right stocks .

Win big!

To celebrate the first season of the Steady Trade Podcast, we’re offering some incredible giveaways. Check out the giveaway page here, and stay tuned for future episodes for more information on how to specifically compare and consider stocks.

Please fill out our survey and win prizes!

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Why Trade Penny Stocks? Mon, 11 Sep 2017 10:00:42 +0000 What is a Penny Stock? Why Trade Penny Stocks ??  Can someone really get rich trading Penny Stocks?  Listen in as Tim and Stephen review the 2015 Larry King interview with successful day trader Timothy Sykes. Ways to listen to the new Steady Trade podcast. iTunes (preferred). Click Here *make sure to subscribe! Website embed.  Click […]

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What is a Penny Stock? Why Trade Penny Stocks ??  Can someone really get rich trading Penny Stocks?  Listen in as Tim and Stephen review the 2015 Larry King interview with successful day trader Timothy Sykes.

Ways to listen to the new Steady Trade podcast.

In our first episode, we discussed the difference between day trading and investing. Building upon those concepts, our second episode covers why you should target low priced stocks–AKA penny stocks. If you want to know what it takes to be a successful day trader, you won’t want to miss this episode!

In Episode Two, two stories are intertwined to create an informative and eye-opening introduction to trading penny stocks. Our goal is to demystify the process by answering common concerns, addressing frequently asked questions, and approaching penny stock trading from what will likely be a different point of view than you’ve seen before.

Two tales of penny stock trading

The episode begins with host Stephen Johnson’s story about how a failed attempt at being a professional poker player led him to a different, more reliable way of gambling: namely, day trading. Along with co-host Tim Bohen, this opens up an incredibly informative conversation about the world of trading penny stocks, and how it’s perhaps not as risky and dangerous as many might think once you begin to understand how trading works.

This conversation is interwoven with a 2015 interview between Tim Sykes and Larry King. In this interview, one of the world’s most famous penny stock traders shares  more of his own story, including how his million-dollar injury led him to penny stock trading and why his goal has shifted away from making more money for himself and more to creating more millionaires by sharing his knowledge.

Through these two unfolding stories and conversations, you’ll discover a lot about penny stock trading and how to find success as a trader.

Why trade penny stocks?

Penny stocks are generally defined as stocks that trade for under $5 per share. Why such low prices? Often, these are companies are still in the developmental stages, or just offer one or two different products. Sometimes these companies turn into something big; for example, True Religion jeans was a penny stock at first. However, more frequently, these companies never turn into anything. Actually, as a trader, the latter situation can be a good thing, because it allows you to make a profit by short selling.

In a nutshell, short selling is the opposite of buying. Rather than buying a stock and hoping that it will increase and value and then you can sell it, you’re actually betting that the stock will depreciate in value and go lower. How does that work, exactly? In the course of the episode, both the co-hosts and the Tim Sykes interview reveal more about how this actually works, and how traders can make a profit by short selling.

Can you really make money selling penny stocks?

Truthfully, only the top 10 to 20 percent of traders make it big. Honestly, this is not because it’s hard to find success trading penny stocks. It’s more because few traders actually have the proper toolbox of skills and knowledge to effectively trade penny stocks. Put simply, if you haven’t put in the time and effort to build a strong foundation as a trader, you’re never going to be successful.

To find success as a penny stock trader, you have to take the time to learn the rules. Not only do you have to learn the basics of trading, but you have to learn how the market works. You must learn how to predict patterns, and how to create a plan and stick to it. A lot of hard work, practice, studying, and quite a bit of trial and error will be required of you. It’s not for the feint of heart, that’s for sure. But when you have a successful trade, there’s nothing like that feeling. As Stephen Johnson relays, it’s the closest thing he’s felt since the rush of playing competitive poker.

The trouble with penny stocks

If you Google Why Trade Penny Stocks , some of the first results you’ll see will involve trading penny stocks. While trading penny stocks is available and accessible to everyone, few actually know how to effectively pull it off without training. This means that many new traders will jump in without the proper knowledge, lose money, and write the whole enterprise off.

Of course, it doesn’t help that there are plenty of predators out there offering overpriced training courses that promise to make you a millionaire with penny stocks. Both the show’s hosts and Tim Sykes believe in transparency, and are creating a revolution by openly sharing their trades and techniques.

Are penny stocks right for you?

Ultimately, you can’t be fooled by the easy entry into trading penny stocks. It’s true that even if you have a few hundred dollars, a laptop, and an internet connection, you can start trading. However, that doesn’t guarantee success. Penny stocks require a lot of hard work. The only way you will find success is to establish a process, have a plan, and establish great methodology. It’s not about throwing something at the wall and hoping you make money.  Believing in random trades and following self serving stock promoters doesn’t work.

So…are penny stocks right for you? By the time you finish listening to this episode, you’ll have a much better idea of the answer.

Win big!

To celebrate the first season of the Steady Trade Podcast, we’re offering some incredible giveaways. Check out the giveaway page here, and stay tuned for our next episode, where we will continue offering tips on how to become an incredible trad

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The Introduction Mon, 04 Sep 2017 16:30:13 +0000 Steady Trade Podcast Learn from veteran trader Tim Bohen and rookie trader Stephen Johnson of the Steady Trade Podcast as they walk you through the ‘ins and outs’ of day trading! Ways to listen to the new Steady Trade podcast. iTunes (preferred). Click Here *make sure to subscribe! Website embed.  Click here Youtube.  Click here […]

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Steady Trade Podcast

Learn from veteran trader Tim Bohen and rookie trader Stephen Johnson of the Steady Trade Podcast as they walk you through the ‘ins and outs’ of day trading!

Ways to listen to the new Steady Trade podcast.

Steady Trade Podcast Episode 1: An Introduction to Day Trading

What would you say if you heard that there’s a career out there that allows you to be your own boss, to set your own hours, and make incredible amounts of money? As you may have gathered from the name of the show, this podcast is out to prove that trading can be that career. Success as a trader is available for anyone who wants it and is willing to put in the work. The key? You must take the time to learn how to do it right.

In the Steady Trade Podcast, you will learn how to transition from trading curiosity to becoming an active and successful trader. This inaugural episode will begin to lay down the foundation by addressing some of the basics about what it takes to create a career as a trader.

Meet the hosts

The Steady Trade Podcast is brought to you by two hosts: Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson.

Tim Bohen is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been involved in all sorts of businesses, from pizza to lawn care. But it wasn’t until he began trading penny stocks that he truly began to find financial success. After retiring at the age 40 with his ample penny stock earnings, this self-titled “salty trading veteran” now dedicates himself to educating and mentoring others on developing the skills required for day trading.

Stephen Johnson is also an entrepreneur and creative thinker, but as a trader, he’s a relative newcomer. With just about 13 months of market experience under his belt, he’s on a journey to discover everything he possibly can about trading. He’s currently documenting his process of progressing from rookie to full-time trader on his YouTube channel.

As you can see, Tim and Stephen are coming from very different places in their respective careers. As a listener, you can benefit by the different points in their careers. Together, Tim and Stephen can offer a trading education that shows many different perspectives and points of view. Tim’s hard-earned knowledge and Stephen’s learning-on-his-feet will resonate with traders both old and new, and will inspire you to start or continue your own journey.

Are you ready?

The first steps toward finding trading success are simple. You have to want it, you have to believe in yourself, and you must be willing to take the leap. This podcast’s goal is to help you make that happen by offering you a clear and thorough education on trading. Inspired by their mentor Tim Sykes, the hosts follow an approach of clarity and transparency.

As Tim Bohen says, “We want to help you establish a foundation to get you started as a day trader that will put you in a position to get the most out of what we have to offer in Season Two and beyond.”

The traditional approach will not make you rich.

Traditionally, the approach many are taught to trading is that slow but steady wins the race.

And yes, it’s true that being prudent with your stock choices, choosing strong and solid companies and holding on to those stocks years in and years out can make you money.

The only problem? The traditional approach is not going to make you rich. You might make enough to go on a nice vacation or pad your retirement fund with these long term investments, but if you want to really make serious money, you’ve got to take a different approach.

Day trading: a different (and lucrative) approach

Day trading follows a very different process than long term investing. Instead of holding onto your stocks for months or years, you’re buying and selling on a much more frequent basis.

To be straight, day trading is not for everyone. It’s more volatile and far more demanding of traders. But for those who are up to the challenge, it can be an incredible way to generate income.

In the episode, Tim and Stephen address some of the signs that you might be well suited to day trading. They offer a frank discussion of why it is that 90 percent of day traders fail, and how it is that you can avoid becoming one of the casualties.

Finding success as a day trader

To become a successful day trader, you can’t simply follow another trader’s trajectory. “You will never succeed if you use other people’s ideas”, says Tim Bohen. Yes, you can learn from others and observe the habits and techniques that they employ to make money. But ultimately, it’s thinking for yourself that will help you find success as a trader.  

So how can you find your own success as a trader? Tim and Stephen expand upon their own experiences in the episode, offering inspiring real world advice about how to move past chance and flukes and establish your own trading career success.

Win big!

To celebrate the first season of the Steady Trade Podcast, we’re offering some incredible giveaways. Check out the giveaway page here, and stay tuned for our next episode, where we will discuss the art and science behind trading penny stocks.

Please fill out our survey and win prizes!

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