TWIST: Finding That “One” Play
It seems we’re back to business as usual. The madness over the last 18 months has subsided, and the six-week slow period is over… The market is acting normal again. Well, at least as normal as the market can act. This is the type of market that separates the one-hit...
TWIST: Diamond Hands & The DOGE Father
If 2020 was the year of the penny stock… 2021 is the year of the DOGE! Thanks to the one and only DOGE father (aka Elon Musk). For weeks, the DOGE father has been talking about this cryptocurrency. That has led to an incredible surge in its price. Check it out …...
Ep 46 TWIST: King Grinder Dan Irish Crosses $1 Million* with $BTX
What a year … 2021 will be one for the record books. Today, TWIST hosts Jack, Kyle, and Matt sit down with Dan Irish. Dan is Timothy Sykes’s latest millionaire student!* Dan has a unique approach to the market — a grinder’s approach. According to his Profit.ly...
TWIST: Market Makers 1, WIKFATW 0
WTF is WIKFATW? In the words of our cynical short-selling expert Kyle Williams, TWIST is now officially called… What Is Kyle Frustrated About This Week That’s WIKFATW for short. No, TWIST isn’t really opting for a rebrand, but now’s a perfect time to discuss...