Podcast is good, still just a little little too much filler(pointless talk) from what I think. But am learning and taking notes from this series 😀
]]>Haha thanks Jeanine!
]]>Love this comment!! Thanks 🙂
]]>Thank you Peter!
]]>thanks for another great episode guys keep it up! <3
]]>I’m sorry you feel like this Jen – I’m just trying to have fun.
]]>DEFININITELY – me too – we will do an episode on this in Season Two hopefully – let’s see – it will definitely be brought up at some point.
]]>YES! Love to hear that!
]]>Awesome man really appreciate that!
]]>Awesome man really appreciate that!
]]>Love to hear that haha – awesome to hear.
]]>Twice! No way!
]]>haha that’s quite funny maybe one for the next episode 😉
]]>That’s awesome to hear man thanks for the feedback
]]>Thank you Dylan!!
]]>I’d also like to know when to enter a trade and what support to use based on the chart’s catalyst (if this is a pattern that has been studied before) and if not, is a catalyst(s) just the first step in identifying a stock? As in, once a stock doesn’t move after a catalyst(s) then that stock is done for the time being, but once a stock spikes after a catalyst(s) then you simply don’t worry about the catalyst as much and worry more about the momentum and volume/hype into the play. If the latter is the case based on any of you two’s experience, then is a catalyst is just then a “Kickstarter” for a stock to be in play.
]]>Thanks Gary!
]]>Good input, thanks Todd!
]]>I know what you mean, but guessing Stephen wont! 🙂 Thanks!
]]>Thanks our goal is for each episode to better than the last!
]]>Tim awesome Bohen, which would you say are the best to focus on this Autumn 2017 (where hopefully we don’t have another 7 year crash but would maybe be *healthy* ?
]]>Thanks Debbie! Glad you find them useful!